Our Programs & Initiatives.

  • Professional Development.

    Tailored workshops, seminars, and webinars that address the specific needs and aspirations of Black STEM professionals.

  • Mentorship and Support.

    Strong mentorship programs connecting seasoned professionals with emerging talent, providing guidance, support, and inspiration.

  • Networking Opportunities.

    Exclusive events to connect with peers, industry leaders, and potential employers in the STEM field.

  • Community Outreach.

    Initiatives to give back to the community and inspire the next generation of Black engineers and scientists.

  • Social Connection.

    Mix 'n Mingle at our NSBE Bay Area Social Events, NSBE Family BBQ’s, Conventions and other meaningful community events that bring you closer into the NSBE family.

  • Collaborative Projects/Connections.

    Facilitate partnerships among members to work on innovative engineering projects.

  • Start-up Incubator.

    Support members interested in launching their own engineering-related businesses.

  • Research Collaborations.

    Connect members interested in collaborative research initiatives.

  • Partnerships.

    Partner with other professional chapters, and organization in the region.